Get surcharges savvy

Start passing on card processing fees to your clients with TimelyPay terminals, and watch the savings stack up for your business.

Three reasons to add a payment surcharge


Boost your business
One surcharge might not seem like a lot, but across the year they can add up to thousands of dollars in savings. It’s really the business-savvy thing to do.

Be confident in your decision
Most of your clients won’t mind paying the extra couple of bucks to support your business. Let them know about the change and back your business!

So easy to set up
Getting set up is easy. Just turn on surcharges in TimelyPay and it’ll automatically get added to every in-salon transaction.

Introduction to surcharging

Surcharging is becoming more and more common. Find out all about it and how it works with Timely.

Setting it up on the web app

Get set up with surcharges on the Timely web app and start passing on card processing fees.

Setting it up on the iOS app

Find out how surcharges work with the Timely iOS app and start making savings for your salon.

Download our free-to-use resources

If you decide to add a surcharge to in-salon payments, legally you’ve got to give your clients a heads up. To help you do that, we’ve put together a bundle of resources that you can adapt and use as you see fit.

Common questions

Ready to try Timely?

Free for 14 days. No credit card required. No obligations or fixed-term contracts.