By Georgia Ritchie, 10 Jun 2024

Get surcharges savvy with TimelyPay terminals

Surcharging with TimelyPay terminals has arrived in Australia and New Zealand, so you can start passing on in-salon card processing fees to your clients.

Our new surcharge feature gives you the option to offset the cost of card processing fees by passing them on to your clients. It’s a small additional cost for them, but can add up to big savings over the course of a year for your business.

Timely’s new surcharge feature is available on a TimelyPay mini or touchscreen terminal, and is designed to only cover the card processing fee.

What to expect:

  • Turning surcharging on and off is easy. Just activate the setting in TimelyPay and it will apply across all of your TimelyPay terminals and business locations, until you decide to turn it off. 
  • You will be able to see the surcharge amount reflected in the checkout, included in the full price shown on the terminal, in invoices, and cash-up.
  • Your clients will see the surcharge included in the full price shown on the terminal and included in their invoice. 
  • We’ve added a new column to the TimelyPay transaction history report, making it easy to see at a glance how much you’ve surcharged.
  • For Timely customers using accounting integrations, surcharges through Timely don’t currently sync. We are working on this improvement but in the meantime, if you’re using an accounting integration and want to start surcharging let our team know. 

Find out more about surcharging here.