When your business sells services, time is money. We are committed to providing time-saving features for you in Timely wherever possible. With that in mind, we've now added support for thermal receipt printers and cash drawers to Timely!

Timely receipt printing

Checking out your customers after a booking is now easier than ever. Receipts can be printed directly from Timely to your thermal printer and automatically pop open your cashdrawer too.

How cool is that?!

How does the receipt look?

The existing Timely invoices have been totally reworked to fit the dimensions of receipt printers. There is no loss of information and if you take a look below, it totally looks like a receipt:

Thermal receipt

Setting up thermal printing on Timely

To print out these elegant receipts you need to set up Timely, your web browser and the printer too. Here’s how:

      1. Head to Settings > General settings > Invoice, tax and payment settings
      2. Select the new Printing tab
        thermal settings arrow
      3. Select Thermal receipt from the drop down list (for each location that supports receipt printing)
      4. Click Save
      5. Finally, edit the print settings on your web browser to remove headers and footers

That’s Timely and your web browser all set up!

Next, you’ll need to connect your printer and cashdrawer to your device. Follow the instructions that come with your printer and/or cashdrawer and also check out our new help articles for setting up hardware too.

If you don’t have a printer then we recommend the Star TSP143 printer (either LAN or USB model).

What’s up next?

We love adding new ways of using Timely and we’re determined to make Timely a comprehensive solution for your business. For example, we added invoice discounting and we’ve got stock control coming very soon. In fact, the techbots are testing this feature as I write!

Make sure to take a look at our roadmap to see what else is coming and keep sending in your feedback :)


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