The Beatles said, “Can’t buy me love!” We politely disagree. By investing in client loyalty, you will improve client retention, grow your client base and future-proof your business. That’s why we’ve created Timely Rewards. Keep reading for everything you need to know about our newest feature and the four reasons you need to use it in 2020!

Reward your clients for their loyalty with Timely’s newest feature!

How Timely Rewards works

‘Timely Rewards’ is a low effort, easy-to-use rewards program, designed to surprise and delight your clients, ultimately increasing client retention. It’s a point-based system that tracks your clients’ transactions and converts them into points, following a simple Spend & Reward approach:

Spend: Every time a client spends money, they will accumulate points.
Reward: When your client reaches a certain amount of points (determined by you), they will be rewarded with a voucher for your salon.

Timely will show you when your clients have earned a reward that they can spend. You also have the option to show clients’ points balances on their receipts so they can see how close they are to a reward!

If you’ve heard enough and want to get started, sign in and click this link to get set up. Not a customer yet? Start a free trial to give rewards a try.

4 reasons why you should use Timely Rewards in 2020

1. ‘Rewards’ reignites the ‘spark’ with your clients.

Never assume that your clients are happy. Like any long-term relationship, you’ve got to keep the ‘spark’ going. That’s where a rewards program comes in! Strengthening your relationships with your existing clients doesn’t just strengthen their loyalty to your business. It also makes them more likely to be a promoter of your business to others. 

A rewards program says “Hey, we value you. This is how much we appreciate you as a client. Thank you for choosing us!”. 

2. The third visit is make-or-break for retaining a new client.

That’s right, we did the research. When a person is testing out a business, they tend to try it out a few times before they make the decision to become a loyal client. If the client has seen consistency over the first 2-3 visits, they are more likely to become a loyal customer. What better way to show them you’re the one than with a Rewards program that starts rewarding on that third visit! Timely’s Rewards feature incentivises your newest clients to book more appointments with you and then surprises them with a gift at a crucial time in the client relationship.

3. A good rewards program will help you grow your business.

These days, clients have so many options. Why should they choose you instead of your competitor? Rewards can help! A loyalty program won’t be the sole reason a new client chooses your business but it will appeal to clients who value experience as well as those who are value-driven. As we mentioned earlier, clients who feel appreciated are more likely to share their experiences with their friends and become bigger promoters of your business! 

When a client is choosing between you and a competitor, your rewards program is that cherry on top of everything else amazing that you offer.

4. Businesses that stand the test of time have great client loyalty.

Establishing and maintaining a valuable rewards program equips your business for long-term success. Business coaches have told us that they’ve seen successful loyalty programs save clients from leaving a business, even when their favourite staff member has left! Clients view ‘points’ as ‘cash in the bank’ and sometimes the loyalty to that ‘cash’ is stronger than the loyalty to the stylist.

I had a big team, prolific staff turnover and my rewards program saved my business. — Larissa Macleman

Get in touch

Interested in everything you’ve just read? Not yet with Timely? We’d love to chat. Get in touch today to start your free Timely trial.

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