Gift cards, gift vouchers, or gift certificates – whatever you choose to call them, they’re your salon or spa’s best marketing friend. Not only can they help to lift your cash flow; they’re a great way to share new services and product bundles with existing clients, and gain new clients! So, how can you increase your gift voucher sales? Salon business coach, Phil Jackson, has some amazing words of gift voucher wisdom!

How to boost your gift voucher sales

Phil Jackson is an entrepreneur, the owner of award-winning salon Bravo Hairdressing, and now a sought after salon consultant. Drawing on 20 years of salon experience, he started Build Your Salon in 2015; determined to help businesses master the skills they need to grow their business and generate the profits they deserve to lead a fuller life!

Sell gift vouchers online

A great way to bring money into your business without having to work for it is to sell gift vouchers online. This makes it super easy for your clients to purchase vouchers from you day or night, especially for those last minute gifts!

“Make sure gift vouchers are clearly visible and available on your website, because they make great ‘remote’ gifts.” Phil 

To be able to sell gift voucher sales online, you need to have a payment gateway set up. But fear not! Our very own TimelyPay is easy to set up, and then you’ve got all the other amazing benefits too. Learn more about TimelyPay.

Once you’re all set up and ready to sell gift vouchers online, you can choose whether to add a gift voucher button or widget to your website, sell via the mini website, or add a direct link to your social media bios or posts and let your clients know you’re selling gift vouchers online.

All your clients need to do is choose which voucher they’d like to buy, enter their own details and the details of the lucky recipient, and pay! The voucher is emailed to either the gift giver or the gift receiver – whichever the client prefers.

Well look at that…you’ve gained some extra cash and a new client for your business, and you didn’t have to do a thing!

Set it up in Timely:

Setup > Gift vouchers

Setup > Booking buttons

Help Guide: Gift vouchers Help Guides


Get your vouchers in front of your clients all year round

Selling gift vouchers helps to maintain a healthy cash flow for your business – both online and in salon – all year round. Here are some great options to get them in front of your clients:

Utilise big events or dates

Around big calendar events such as Valentines, Mothers Day, and Christmas, you can really up the ante; whether it’s adding extra value for the voucher, for example, £150 voucher for £100, or a free gift they can use themselves.

“My favourite voucher promotion is one we run every year for Black Friday – buy a voucher for £100 and get a bonus voucher for £25. The key is that while the £100 voucher has standard validity, the bonus voucher is only valid in January and February the following year.  This gives a boost to cash flow in November and also means busier start to the New Year” Phil

Make sure they’re visible

Placing gift vouchers (or a gift voucher display) around the salon, at reception, or using them as part of the décor on wash or colour stations will make them super visible to your clients, so they’re more likely to purchase one (or more) from you in the future.

Offer e-vouchers and physical vouchers

E-vouchers are a versatile offering and great for flash promotions, but you should also offer a physical voucher in a high quality envelope or gift box; clients appreciate the extra touch and it adds more perceived value to the purchase.

Make them look good!

Invest in some eye-catching envelopes, decorative ribbon, or small gift boxes for your vouchers. Phil also recommends offering to send vouchers straight to the recipient to help your clients with last-minute gifts.

Don’t limit yourself to money vouchers

Service packages and bundle vouchers are great for cash flow and should be a feature in your promotional calendar. E.g. a ‘Get set for summer’ skincare package, entitling purchasers to a facial and take-home pack of trial products (a great way to get new products into your clients’ hands, too)!

Bundling services together also means that clients can try new services they wouldn’t usually have, and maybe continue having them in the future! Selling them as gift vouchers means they can easily treat others to these services too 🥰

You can set up fixed amount vouchers within Timely, and give them package names and descriptions so it’s even easier for your clients to pick the right one.

“You can also include a short-dated gift voucher for, say, £10 in your ‘New Client’ welcome pack. This shows the new client that you offer vouchers but also gets them back into the salon sooner and coaches them towards perfect-client status!” Phil

Set it up in Timely:
Setup > Gift vouchers

Help Guide: Gift vouchers Help Guides


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