Massage Advertising Ideas

Massage Advertising
Rosie Ward
Marketing at Timely
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Massage therapy is a competitive industry. It’s important for businesses in this space to keep promoting their services to attract new clients.

We’ve put together some of the best strategies that you can use in your massage advertising.

Referral program

Massage therapists can benefit hugely from a referral program. Clients get a certain discount or deal by bringing a friend. If opting to build a referral program, ensure you let every client know about it. Spread the word by SMS, email, social media, and even physically in your studio. This type of massage advertising works particularly well as it keeps existing clients happy, while attracting new ones.

You can use the client profiles in Timely to keep track of which clients have taken advantage of the offer.

Shoot an intro video

Unfortunately, some people feel uncomfortable about getting massages for various reasons. One way to remedy this is by shooting a video that shows exactly what you do. It not only serves as an inside view of your business, but gives an introduction to your great team of massage therapists as well.

It’s important to ensure that the video is well-made and edited to focus on your strong points. You want to showcase a clean facility, great location, and professional staff. It’s well worth the cost of hiring a professional to do this for you. Once complete, you need to maximise visibility by sharing it across social media. You might even consider setting it up as an advertisement on YouTube.


Never underestimate the power of testimonials as massage advertising tools. Most people trust reviews above all else when selecting a product or service. A customer testimonial is more than just a marketing strategy, it’s a way for people to rest assured that you provide a quality service. You can even utilise testimonials on your website as well as on your social media pages.

Whenever a customer visits your salon, encourage them to post a review online. Be careful how you do this however. You don’t want to pressure someone after you’ve just helped them relax. With Timely, you can set up an SMS or email to send automatically after certain period of time has passed since their visit. We call this feature ‘follow-up messages‘. Use this to request the client post about their experience online. You can even link to the review website of your choice!

Website design

This one should go without saying. You’d be surprised however by the number of massage therapists that have a great business, but a cheap, awful looking website. This just won’t do. Your website is your number one advertising tool.

Need inspiration or think your website might need an update? Take a look at some local competitor’s websites and compare them to yours. At the very least you must have online booking.

Along with that, a nice website design and some solid content can strengthen your search rankings and convince more people to book a service.

Host an open day

When people consider the benefits of massage, most just think of relaxation. Of course massage can also minimise anxiety, relieve headaches, help injuries, and more.

Hosting an open day is a great way for massage therapists to show the full range of treatments that they offer. It’s a chance for you to get to know the community you’re serving, and vice versa. You can help people understand the MANY benefits that regular massages can bring to their lives.

Massage Advertising

When it comes to promoting the open day, create a Facebook event in the weeks prior, and to send a mass email to your client list. Post across your social media pages as well. For added exposure, make sure to ask your team to promote it on their social media pages as well.

Offer corporate discounts

Wellness initiatives are a staple part of many company health policies nowadays. Take advantage of this trend and score some big accounts! You could even suggest setting up a portable massage table in a meeting room for a day, and offer your services at the office.

Approach some local corporates and sort a deal to be a part of their health plan. Keep in mind that you should be focusing your efforts on the HR department, not just any random employee.

Let’s get moving!

It’s a dog eat dog world out there and massage therapists need to be aware of what it takes to not only survive, but to thrive by establishing a well-respected brand. Try out some (or all) of the tips above, and your business will be well on its way to becoming the talk of the town!

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