Additional checks and warnings to avoid double bookings
The techbots have been busy! Their latest addition to Timely is a feature built to avoid double bookings.
For new feature number 4, we’ll keep it nice and short.
Here we go …
The Timely Calendar is incredibly flexible – so flexible, in fact, that it’s sometimes easy to double-book. With this in mind, we’ve made it even more obvious when a new appointment overlaps with an existing one so that you can avoid double bookings.
When an overlap is detected the red alert icon and pop-out message appear but now the overlapping service is more clearly highlighted as well.
We have also tightened up the internal checks for detecting these potential double-bookings. Previously you were only warned when there was an overlapping booking for the staff at the chosen location. Now, you are warned if there is an overlapping booking with the staff at any of the locations. Much safer!
That’s it – told you it’d be short. :)
Josh Hopkins
Great! Will the system look ahead when rescheduling a recurring lessons?