The problem with owning a business is that we can get so busy running around after everyone, ensuring jobs are being done, people are happy and our families get our attention, that we lose sight of ourselves and our own needs. When we don’t take care of ourselves it erodes the quality at which we operate. We get stressed, tired, run down with colds and flu’s and we suffer from fuzzy and muddled brains.

Watch this powerful story from Shonda Rhimes – writer and producer of Grey’s Anatomy, The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement and Scandal.

When I watched the full version of this, I cried.

What I learnt from Shonda is that it’s you need to balance your busy work life with a little bit of play. That not only is taking care of yourself just as important as being successful but that the two can’t be separated.


Did you take care of yourself today?

Your day is super busy and filled with lots of activities. Do you ever feel like you’re losing sight of yourself, your health and your own needs?

Does any of this sound like you?

  • You find yourself overly stressed or run-down.
  • You feel unfocused or inefficient in your performance.
  • You’re constantly tired or grumpy for no clear reason.
  • Are you often sick or feel mentally burnt out.

The solution is to plan a little bit of time for yourself each day. Just ask yourself: What is the one small activity that you can add to your day, to improve your health and well-being?


It’s time to plan a little time for yourself

Self-care is choosing to spend some time doing an activity in your day purely to enhance the quality of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It’s actively saying “I will do something for 10 minutes today to help me and my health.” It’s not a one-off, it’s a commitment you add to your daily routine and practice regularly. Ideally, it becomes a habit and you do it without thinking about it.

Your self-care moments enable you to recharge your batteries and be more mindful. Which means you are fully present, so you can perform better for yourself, your loved ones, and your businesses.

It isn’t another overwhelming thing on your “must-do-list”. It’s simple, fun and gives you a real sense of self-accomplishment.

Examples of everyday self-care activities:

  • Taking a small “micro-break” during a busy day. Just a quick ten minutes to do and think about something stress-free and non-work related.
  • Getting some easy exercise, like a short walk to stretch your legs & get some room for brain-space. Leave your phone behind!
  • Making healthier choices during your daily eating routine. Such as drinking more water or making a healthy green smoothie.
  • Turning off the all the tech in your day, disconnecting and being present with the people in your life.
  • Creating space for reflection in your day. This means thinking about all the people, opportunities and things you already have in your that you’re grateful for and writing them down.

You can build a successful business, take care of yourself and have a life that includes time with family, friends and the things you love most.

Take some time now and build some habits for yourself. Make a few small changes that will allow you to live a life of joy and abundance.


Ask yourself, what would your life and your business look like if you said yes to a little self-care?

Inspired by her own journey to find freedom & profit in her award winning salon, Larissa founded the Salon Owners Collective. She now inspires other salon owners to do the same through coaching, courses & modern marketing strategies.